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Writer's pictureAngela Kontgen

Meditation: Why it's needed in the Workplace Today, more than ever!

Meditation in the Workplace

Change and Challenge has become an everyday norm in our working world and most of us consider it an inevitable part of the workplace. That's just the way it is right?

Yet research at Harvard and Stanford suggest that we better stop taking stress for granted and the unhealthy impact it is having on workplace mindsets. We are better served and will be better prepared for the future if we start to address this head on and in new and innovative ways.

The rise of infotech, biotech and A.I. over the coming years is also likely to take a toll on mental stamina in the workplace and it's going to take more than the odd stress management "lunch & learn" to help employees surf these tides.

"As the volatility in the job market and of individual careers increases, will people be able to cope? We will probably need for more effective stress-reduction techniques - ranging from drugs to neurofeed-back to Meditation - to prevent the human mind from snapping" Yuval Harari, 21 Lessons for the 21st Century.

This is why more Smart Businesses & Leaders are turning to Meditation as a powerful and effective way to strengthen and prepare their workplace.

Studies show that meditation strengthens the brain and this helps employees build stronger and more resilient mindsets. More workplaces now know that instead of temporary solutions, helping employees build strength from within, a stronger brain & mind, is a good for business.

It's inspiring that today meditation carries with it loads of benefits and this is backed by science. The strongest evidence to date that meditation has a positive impact on well being comes from the first meta-analysis of 47 trials and shows that people participating in meditation experience less anxiety, depression and pain.

As well, companies like BlackRock, the world's largest asset manager, report these benefits from their own Employee Meditation Program:

91% reported it positively impacted culture

88% would recommend it to a co worker

66% said they felt less stress or had improved stress management capabilities

63% are better able to manage themselves at work

60% reported better focus and better decision making skills

52% are better able to manage work relationships

46% report increased innovation and creativity

Organizations that introduce an Employee Meditation Program are likely to dramatically help reduce employee stress but also simultaneously increase productivity.

At Apple, employees have access to a meditation room and 30 minute meditation breaks. Google offers an on site meditation spaces and courses believing that meditation improves employee mental well being and that is just good for the bottom line. Companies like Yahoo have been early adopters of meditation in the workplace with magazines like Fast Company touting meditation as a "must do" to get hired! And Nike employs a meditation coach who runs regular seminars for employees.

As a Corporate Meditation Coach & Creator I exist to make meditation accessible in everyday life and inspire employees around the science of their brain on meditation and how it improves every aspect of their personal & professional lives. From beginning the workday with a quick morning meditation to set the tone and energy for the day ahead, helping one actively create their "Best State" to integrating a midday "Focus" meditation before a meeting or important conference call to a simple transitioning meditation one can do on the commute home to leave behind the stresses of work life thus actively helping employees create a sense of work life balance - not just talk about it.

There's so many reasons why Meditation has gone mainstream and why this powerful daily habit will help our minds navigate the pace of change and challenge that lie ahead for our world and our workplaces.

"Meditation is now one of my foundational life and leadership habits. I love that if I need any support for my mind or meditation, Angela is there. I love having a Meditation Coach! MO Hagan, VP Goodlife & Canfitpro

Angela's work and meditations have changed my Life, my daily practice and my Leadership on such a deep level. Working with a Meditation Coach was one of the best decisions I have ever made from a holistic perspective, personally and professionally. Kim Fitzpatrick, Global Entrepreneur

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