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A Strong Mind is within reach...
Here are 3 top reasons why is Meditation needed now, more than ever?
1) The greatest asset you have in life is your mind and meditation is a scientifically proven & tangible way to train and elevate the quality of your mind & mindset. There is a reason why today top athletes & front line services use meditation.
2) The world is getting increasingly complex and the only thing you are totally in control of is your mind. The very best you can do to not only go through these times but grow through them is to train your mind.
3) When the mind is in constant "Busy or Stress Mode", it's not functioning and performing at its best.
When the brain and mind are calmer we tend to make better decisions, perform better and we are at our most creative. We also feel better & healthier. It's just the way it is, but don't take my word for it, check out some of the amazing and ever expanding science and research of the mind on meditation, which is what has inspired and driven me to help so many with this practice since 2008.
In an increasingly complex world, meditation and mindfulness initiatives are always a good investment, no longer simply a "nice" thing to check out when you have a bit of time on the weekend, but rather vital to our longevity, performance, everyday functioning and well being.
Whether it is with Symphonies for the Mind - an inspired monthly meditation experience I create or with the Inner Edge - a weekly on-line meditation experience for inspired workplaces; I exist to help more people integrate this powerful practice into their days.
So let's connect and create a meaningful experience for you and/or your workplace...
How to work with me...
Symphonies for the Mind
A successful Meditation Membership-based program that I created consistently each month, over a 10 year period, that combined the power of personal growth with meditation.
Each month members received a new series of focused meditations, a live monthly group call as well as personalized support.
The Inner Edge
A weekly on line meditation experience serving and supporting the mindsets of people in workplaces. I help people, through the practice of a calmer brain and mind, Go through and Grow through change and challenges better.
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