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Symphony #15 - Inspired Action

Writer's picture: Angela KontgenAngela Kontgen

So I just uploaded Symphony for the Mind #15 - Inspired Action and upon the request of one of the most gracious individuals I know, who is on the Symphonies journey and loves them (thank you so much for loving them) I am going to be creating a blog each month to share the inspiration behind each Symphony I create and also publish the actual Symphony itself. I've had requests to put the Symphonies into a book or journal of some sort so until that happens here's where I'll put them and let's see what unfolds...

This month - October - is all about Inspired Action. It's all about truly becoming the creators we were born as and in order to do so - building and strengthening the vision and visualization muscles of the mind. We all have these talents but for most of us they remain dormant's time to wake them up. So this meditation is designed to help you do this, help you practice this and access this! Exciting Stuff! That's what were are working, on this month, on the Symphonies journey and that is what I am helping some awesome humans up to growth and greatness with.

Because Symphonies for the Mind combines the power of personal growth with the magic of meditation I'm always inspired by various sources and love to share them with you.

I love the works of Dr. Joe Dispenza, in particular, his newest book - Becoming Supernatural. He is brilliant at bridging the worlds of Science and Spirituality and so I always reference him, as his books and workshops have been a great inspiration to me. Every single aspect of what is in my meditations is now backed by the science of spirit and the mind. Amazing!

A Course in Miracles is another source of continued inspiration as it is an inspired spiritual course to train and condition the mind - and that is a huge energy behind my work - that everything awesome begins with the mind. In lesson #20, of the course, it speaks of "true vision" - "I am determined to see" is the essence of the lesson. Check it out you will love it...but I will be covering that in the call tonight for the Symphonies peeps.

As well through various courses and books I have come across over many years now (PSI seminars, Napoleon Hill, Canfield and Visca etc.) I have been introduced to a concept called a "screen of the mind" and how powerful that is to practice building and strengthening visualization muscles, so I have integrated this into this very unique Symphony. I think you'll love it and you can have fun playing with it as a very powerful tool.

So many lovely things inspire me but I won't mention them all as I also love to help those on the journey not feel so overwelmed by content - I think that we feel that often, in this noisy world. We feel overwhelmed by so much information and content. Even if it's great stuff, we can feel overwelmed by it all and like we are not really able to apply it, feel it and live it. I feel this in my own life and I also hear it from the individuals I coach and on the Symphonies journey.

So I alway encourage the lovely humans on the Symphonies journey to consider not only doing a deep dive with each months' meditation theme but also to apply that to their own personal growth work - each month simply focus on one area of personal growth. Go deep with less baby! Meditate on it, Read about it, Reflect and journal on it - free your mind and your life for 30 days until you begin to to feel a deeper understanding and connection to that principle or concept. That is what brings it all to life. When you can truly feel it - that's magic and that takes practice within a calmer deeper level of mind.

They say it takes 30 days to create a new habit and 30 days to create a new mind. Doesn't that sound lovely and doesn't it just makes sense? I think so.

So now here is this month's Symphony for the Mind, in written form, hopefully you will enjoy reading it like a beautiful composition or piece of poetry. Allow it to flood your mind and settle into your heart...if you are on the Symphonies journey I know you'll will love meditating to it...

Namaste dear one...


Inspired Action

It's time to request access to your subconscious mind and be guided by a vision that matters to you...

So now settle and still and connect with each life giving breath, in this moment.

Connect with each breath exactly as it is...

Feel the coming and going of each breath...

The sensation of each breath as it enters through the nose and as it leaves through the nose or mouth.

Calm your brain and mind with each breath...

Now slow down each inward breath, following every inhalation toward the centre of your mind.

and lengthen every outward breath, following every exhalation as slowly as you can all the way to the very tip and letting it go there...relax more deeply into this moment with every exhalation...letting go of what no longer serves you with every breath...

With every breath you are calming the brain and mind and you are connecting with your heart. Your strong, intelligent heart.

So now it's time to request that the doors, the portal to deeper levels of mind open to you. Open with each breath. With each slow inward breath you may wish to see, in your mind, a doorway of light opening...

Allow every inward breath to open this door, to your calm, courageous deeper mind, gently, slowly, no need to force... Simply request this door to your subconscious mind to open with each breath. Allow it to open...

With this door open now...allow each inward breath to flood this part of your mind with brilliant light...

Connecting you, in this moment, to infinite creation and potential.

With each breath of light, feel your connection in this moment to a higher source...

Now that your mind is open and flooded with light, it's time to access and feel an elevated state...

Joy...Peace... Bliss... Awe... choose...

This elevated state brings your vision to simply breathe and feel...feel and breathe....

Now imagine yourself sitting in a theatre, by yourself, and in front of you is the screen of your mind. Breathe and see this now. Your mind as a screen, before you...

On this screen bring up images of yourself, your life, your creation, your state of being...

See yourself on this screen in your mind, feeling and living in an inspired and elevated state.

See your surroundings...who are you with?

See and Feel as you watch the screen of your mind.

Bring your Creation, your intention to life on the screen of your mind...feel it in your heart...

Hold onto these images and this feeling for a few more breaths...

Now to propel this vision forward today and in your life...breathe and reflect...nothing else to do...

What choices, today, bring this vision of my highest self to life?


What choices propel me toward an Inspiring present & future...

Simply breathe and reflect...nothing else to do...

and now finally surrender this vision to a higher source, it's not your job to control's your job to create it and take Inspired action towards it and ask for guidance and grace...

Linger in gratitude for this vision for a few breathes now...linger in gratitude for this vision, this knowingness...this guidance...

A few more slow breathes now...and when you're your eyes...


There you go dear one...and thank you to my dear friend Cheryl Campbell for this lovely suggestion...


Meditation Coach & Creator

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