Okay so I can say that everything is a gift, everyone and everything is a teacher and shows up for a reason but, in the moment, when it does show up and some or most of it, on certain days, is not pleasant and perhaps downright uncomfortable - who am I kidding, I don't love it!
Had to get that one off my chest...I've read all the books, I've gone to all the workshops and intellectually I get it - love the whole journey, love the whole ride, it's all a learning and nothing is random. I also deeply "get" that discomfort is growth. It all resonates, on a soul level, with me. Hey, one of my core mantras: everything and everyone is a teacher. But here's the thing, in the moment, when the hard stuff shows up, in whatever shape or form, it's often awful, I'm still triggered and sometimes spiral downwards emotionally...
So how do I actually love what shows up and get better and better at loving what shows up, in the moment, in my life? I know as I do so, this serves my higher good and greatest vision for my life. How do I get to a place in my life, where something shows up, maybe it's hard and uncomfortable, awful and messy - how do I love it, in that moment? How do I, in that moment, instead of spiralling downward emotionally and mentally - how do I instead, embrace it with an energy of "YES, I LOVE THIS MOMENT, I LOVE WHAT IS SHOWING UP - it's amazing, I've fallen, I've failed and it's all so brilliant and I know there is a deeper meaning behind it all! How do I do this?
I want to get better and better at knowing and feeling this, in the moment - I'm pretty good at knowing and feeling it after like in the next hour or day and hey I love that it doesn't take me as long as it used to, to get my sweet ass back on track. But I desire to feel it in the moment...I desire to be face down, in the mud and exclaiming to myself and to life that this is brilliant and exactly where I need to be! For I know as I get better at embracing and loving everything that shows up, in the moment, nothing and no one has the power to slow down my energy and I keep moving my brilliant, awesome life to new levels...
What I know for sure, as I write these words, is that I have gotten better at loving what shows up and embracing the moment, because I'm actually noticing it and not resisting it so much. I have gotten better at seeing everything that shows up, in the moment, not only after the moment, but in the moment, as a teacher and a gift. As I write these words I know this to be true. I have gotten better as I have stepped more deeply and more consistently into daily practices, like meditation, which empower me to actually be able to notice the moment and not resist it, which empowers me to access more elevated emotions, in the moment, and which empowers me to look within for the answers and not in the next shiny object...
I have gotten better at loving what shows up and I love it...
So tomorrow on the Thursday LIVE Meditation - we'll be meditating on that - Loving what shows up...join me if it speaks to your precious soul...I'll be there working on my mind.