"We are living outside of ourselves, hence our inner world remains dark. If we turn in. If our attention starts focusing inward, then light is created" Osho
I've been contemplating Balance this month. What is true balance?
In the corporate world, I was asked, on the odd occasion, by well meaning folks in HR, to fill out questionnaires about Work/Life balance. Interesting. But I have to say, that although it might have brought about some slight awareness of how "off balance" my life was, at the time (and awareness is awesome) - it never did much for me. It never really moved me into any real sense of balance. Balance remained elusive, until now...Sorry HR.
So as I've been creating this month's Symphony for the Mind on balance, I've been reflecting on how conditioned we are to focus on our outer world. How we run, almost our whole lives, trying to change our external world & seek answers in our external world....it's exhausting. And I don't know about you, but for all my gorgeous 51 years on this planet, this has not worked well for me.
And although setting boundaries and making better choices can give us a sense of more balance in our lives and of course these are always a good thing - what I know for sure is that life will keep being life. As soon as I walk out my front door or even open my eyes, life will have surprises for me - rises and falls...all brilliantly orchestrated for my greatest life and greatest learning...ahh the lovely ebbs and flows...the beauty of living "all of it".
"live this day in all it's beauty, in all it's joy, in all it's pain, agony and ecstasy. Live in it's totality - in it's darkness, in it's light" Osho
And what I also know to be true at this point (took me a long time to figure this one out but no worries...) is that balance is not something I "get" by controlling anyone or anything outside of me. Balance is not always simply a choice or something that I'll attain after reading a book or attending a workshop that promises 6 easy steps to it.
Balance is a state.
Balance is an inward state.
Balance is a feeling that I can create, cultivate and practice in the midst of life's daily storms...
Balance is something we all have access to...
Balance, inner balance is something I deeply long to feel...
I love this...it makes sense to me...
But how do I do this? How do I attain this state? How do I access this inward feeling of balance...in the storms of daily life?
Well, if you know me at all by know, you now what I'm going to say...
Get your sweet butt on the seat, each morning and go inward...turn your attention each day inward...
And yes, meditation is an incredibly amazing path...inward.
Maybe I'll see you on this month's journey inward...Symphonies for the Mind - supporting and guiding your awesome journey inward...
with love for your light.