Coaching the Coach
Are you ready to define your unique way of coaching & serving the others?
Are you simply unsure or perhaps overwhelmed as to how to put it all together into a program offering?
Well, no worries, I have you covered.
This 3 to 4 month Coach the Coach program will help you:
- create massive clarity around your teachings & your ideal client
- design a unique coaching program that feels right for you
- layout marketing touch points that represent you and feel authentic and natural, making it easy and effortless to share with others.
- layout a concept design for your coaching website, how to share on social media and other communication points
- attract those first client
- how to structure your week and month around your coaching
- how to keep the momentum alive and evolve your program
- build a solid foundation for your coaching
You've taken all the courses, you have all the knowledge, now let's put it all together so that you feel so good and so confident about attracting those first clients.
I help Coaches!
15 years ago when I started my coach training and certification, I remember being really excited but also overwhelmed. During and after my education I felt as though I had a lot of knowledge and a ton of content but I was unsure how to bring it all together in a way that felt authentic for me.
I've learned so much on my journey and today I'm so inspired to help Coaches get clear and get started!
I love helping them with what I felt I needed at the beginning of my journey.
I love working with a few coaches who are on the edge of making it happen, they just need a little support and guidance to bring their own unique coaching program to life. I help them define it and lay it all out so all they have to do is coach!